by Dan Wood
Yeah it's an ANCIENT subject that has appeared every where, but I'm set
to put this straight once and for all Ok?
A lot of people who write about it are saying "We need it back, theres
too many bad ones about". But these people rarely consider the
reasoning behind why we don't have it. It couldn't be brought back!
The reason it was banned in the first place is because we kept hanging
the wrong people! How many times in recent years have we released
people from prison that have been proven they did not commit the crimes?
There's been quite a lot... you can attempt to compensate some one for
spending 15 years in jail, but if we killed them, that's it, wrongly
killed and no way of bringing them back. Can you imagine anything worse
than standing on death row knowing you didn't do anything and you are
totally innocent?
Plus people always use this stupid "The bible says.. an eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth", and although my religious beliefs actually are non
existant, I went away and checked this, and you know what it actually
says? "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ACHIEVES NOTHING"! As
ever people take the part of the sentence they want and twist it around
to mean the complete opposite!
And the death penalty is nothing more than revenge, and in other areas
of the law we look more dimly on revenge than the original crime itself.
So we say "You killed some one, we'll kill you" it's EXACTLY the same
crime!! People talk with their emotions, if some one killed my parents
I'd obviously want them dead, but that's my emotions talking, my brain
tells me it's wrong, if you think about it logically, it's not on. We
can't bring the death penalty back while we will still be killing
innocent people.
You can't use the excuse "Only if we're 100% sure they did it", you HAVE
to be 100% sure to even convict. What can we say "Oh yeah we're sure
s/he did it, so we'll kill him/her.. but we're not sure about him/her,
we'll just lock him/her up for 30 years". It doesn't work, so people
who are for the death penalty, actually think about it first before
shouting off!